Master the Opening and Win More Chess With This Ultimate Bundle

Elevate Your Game with this Bundle of 30 In-Depth PDF Guides

Are you ready to take your chess game to new heights? Now you can master every chess opening effortlessly with our “Complete Chess Openings Bundle”. This exclusive bundle includes 30 comprehensive PDF guides, providing you with the ultimate arsenal to conquer your opponents.

Save Time Learning Openings

Learn The Best Moves For All Openings

Level Up Your Chess Gameplay

The Chess Player’s Dilemma:
A Losing Opening Move

The Frustration of Learning Complex Openings

Chess players often find themselves struggling with the intricate world of openings. Memorizing every move can be daunting and time-consuming. Are you tired of making the wrong opening moves, jeopardizing your entire game?

The Stakes Are High: Elo Decline, Frustration, and Missed Opportunities

Continue down this path, and you risk a downward spiral in your Elo rating. Frustration sets in as you repeatedly find yourself outplayed in the crucial opening phase. Missed opportunities pile up, and victory becomes a distant dream.

Introducing Your Game-Changing Solution…

The Complete Chess Openings Bundle: Your Strategic Advantage


Say goodbye to losing openings!

We’ve created printable and downloadable PDF guides for every chess opening, each of which includes all the moves for every variation in that opening. In each you’ll find the pros and cons of that opening and positional images for each turn of every variation. Whether you’re wanting to level up your gameplay or start training to become a grandmaster, we’re sure you’ll find them useful.

1. Master the E4 Openings with 11 In-Depth Guides

Unravel the secrets of the e4 openings with precision and confidence. Each guide provides detailed moves and accompanying images, empowering you to dominate your opponents right from the start.

2. Conquer the D4 Openings with 12 Expert Guides

Turn the tables with the d4 openings. These 12 comprehensive guides equip you with the knowledge to navigate through the complexities, ensuring you dictate the pace of the game.

3. Crack the Code of 7 Other Openings

Explore a diverse range of openings, giving you a versatile toolkit to outmaneuver any opponent. With detailed instructions and visuals, you’ll become a formidable force on the chessboard.



Your Journey to Chess Success Starts Here

Picture this: a chance to transform your chess game, seize victory, and leave your opponents in awe. That opportunity is here, and it comes with a limited-time offer on “The Complete Chess Openings Bundle.” Act now to secure your advantage on the board and propel yourself towards chess mastery.









(+ tax)

And Here’s What You Get…

ALL 7 ‘cheat sheet’ openings for ‘other’ opening moves:

  • The Reti Opening (worth £5)
  • The English Opening (£5)
  • Bird’s Opening (£5)
  • The King’s Indian Attack (£5)
  • The Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack (£5)
  • The Polish Opening (£5)
  • The Grob Opening (£5)

Total value: £35

ALL 11 ‘cheat sheet’ openings for the move 1. e4:

  • The Sicilian Defense (worth £5)
  • The French Defense (£5)
  • The Ruy Lopez Opening (£5)
  • The Caro-Kann Defense (£5)
  • Italian Game (£5)
  • The Scandinavian Defense (£5)
  • The Pirc Defense (£5)
  • Alekhine’s Defense (£5)
  • The King’s Gambit (£5)
  • Scotch Game (£5)
  • Vienna Game (£5)

Total value: £55

ALL 12 ‘cheat sheet’ openings for the move 1. d4:

  • The Queen’s Gambit (worth £5)
  • The Slav Defense (£5)
  • The King’s Indian Defense (£5)
  • The Nimzo-Indian Defense (£5)
  • The Queen’s Indian Defense (£5)
  • The Catalan Opening (£5)
  • The Grunfeld Defense (£5)
  • The Dutch Defense (£5)
  • The Trompowsky Attack (£5)
  • The Benko Gambit (£5)
  • The London System (£5)
  • The Benoni Defense (£5)

Total value: £60

That’s a whopping £150 worth of value – all for just £16.97!

But that’s not all…

You ALSO get two exclusive ebooks that you can’t buy anywhere else!

“Unleash Your Inner Grandmaster” and “Mastering Post-Game Analysis” are the tools you need to take your chess improvement to the next level.


Elevate Your Strategy and Gameplay

Exclusive Bonus: “Unleash Your Inner Grandmaster”

As part of this extraordinary bundle, you’ll receive the exclusive ebook, “Unleash Your Inner Grandmaster.” This ultimate handbook for chess players is designed to propel your game to the next level. Discover the power of chess and unlock strategies that will leave your opponents in awe.


Exclusive Bonus: “Mastering Post-Game Analysis”

Unveiling our newest addition to the bundle: “Mastering Post-Game Analysis – How To Analyse Your Chess Game” ebook. Gain a competitive edge with this bonus resource, designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge needed to analyze your chess games like a true grandmaster. Elevate your strategic prowess and unlock the secrets to continuous improvement on the chessboard.

What are you waiting for?

For just £16.97, you can master the opening once and for all.

Get 30 cheat sheets and two exclusive ebooks to help you level up.

not Sure Yet? Here’s what some of our many previous Customers have to say…

Hear It from Chess Enthusiasts Like You

Still unsure if this bundle is right for you? Don’t just take our word for it – hear from fellow chess enthusiasts who have experienced the game-changing impact of “The Complete Chess Openings Bundle.” Their stories of success and improvement will resonate with your own chess journey, providing the assurance you need to make the right move.

Chess Cheat Sheets are a must-have for any serious player. The comprehensive guides are a shortcut to mastering openings. I’ve cut my learning curve in half, and the price is unbeatable. Seriously impressed!

David Rodriguez

Chess Cheat Sheets has been a game-changer for me. As a busy professional, time is of the essence, and these guides have saved me hours of studying. The inclusivity and affordability of the Complete Chess Openings Bundle make it a winner for anyone looking to up their chess game!

Sasha Patel

I was skeptical at first, but this bundle exceeded my expectations. It’s like having a chess library at your fingertips. The visual guides make learning openings a breeze. Best value for money in the chess world!

Michael Turner

Chess Cheat Sheets are a total win! These guides have made learning chess openings a breeze. As a guy who’s always on the go, having this bundle is like having a chess coach in my pocket. The price is unbelievable for what you get. Highly recommend!

Jamal Taylor

These are really a nice set of openings. I teach Chess to elementary age school kids that are mostly beginners, these will be a fantastic tool to teach the various strengths and weaknesses of the openings.


Chess Cheat Sheets turned my opening struggles into triumphs. I used to spend hours studying openings, but this bundle streamlined the process. The free ebook is the cherry on top. A steal at this price!

Ryan Matthews

I can’t recommend the Complete Chess Openings Bundle enough! It’s been a revelation in my chess journey. The guides are clear and concise, saving me loads of time. The fact that Chess Cheat Sheets embraces inclusivity in both content and pricing makes it a standout in the chess world. A fantastic investment!

Mateo Ramirez

The Clock is Ticking – Your Move Matters

Still hesitating? Consider the cost of inaction. Without the tools provided here, you risk a continuation of frustrating losses, missed opportunities, and a decline in your Elo rating. The solution is right in front of you – a bundle designed to address every chess player’s dilemma. Act now, and let your move be the one that changes the game.

Original price was: $187.74.Current price is: $21.38.

Let’s Recap –
Your Path to Chess Mastery Starts Here

Here’s what you get if you buy today:

ALL 7 cheat sheets for ‘other’ chess openings

ALL 11 cheat sheets for e4 openings

ALL 12 cheat sheets for d4 openings

AND our exclusive “Unleash Your Inner Grandmaster” ebook

AND our exclusive “Mastering Post-Game Analysis” ebook

Totalling £150+ worth of value…

For just £16.97!

The limited-time offer won’t last forever. Picture the victories, the sense of accomplishment, and the thrill of outplaying your opponents. It’s all within reach. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back. Take the decisive step towards chess mastery – grab your bundle now before it’s too late!