What Are The Variations Of The London System Chess Opening?

What Are The Variations Of The London System Chess Opening?

The London System is a solid and versatile chess opening. ♟️

If you want a reliable setup that requires less memorisation of theory, the London System might be the perfect choice for your repertoire.

But which variation should you explore?

Let’s dive into the London System variations and find the one that suits your style best!

What Is the London System?

The London System begins with the moves 1.d4 and 2.Bf4, followed by e3, Nf3, and c3.

This setup emphasises a strong pawn structure and harmonious piece development, making it a favourite among club players and professionals alike.

Why play the London System? Here’s why:

  • Easy to learn: The same setup works against many different defences.
  • Solid and safe: It provides a robust structure that is hard to break down.
  • Flexibility: Offers attacking chances while maintaining positional integrity.

London System Opening Variations

The London System features several key variations. Here are some of the most popular London System opening variations:

  • Traditional London: White follows the standard setup of d4, Bf4, e3, Nf3, and c3, aiming for a solid yet flexible position.
  • Jobava London: White adds an early Nc3 and Qd2, creating aggressive attacking opportunities, particularly on the kingside.
  • Modern London: White delays c3, allowing for quicker piece development and potential central pawn breaks.
  • Kingside Attack: White shifts focus to an early h4 and potential pawn storms against Black’s kingside.

Which London System Variation Is Right for You?

Your choice will depend on your playing style:

  • Want a reliable, balanced approach? The Traditional London is a great choice.
  • Enjoy aggressive, attacking play? Try the Jobava London.
  • Prefer flexible and dynamic positions? The Modern London might suit you.
  • Love direct kingside attacks? Explore the Kingside Attack variation.

The London System is a practical and adaptable opening. Experiment with its variations to find the one that resonates with your style!

To help with just that, we’ve created a London System cheat sheet, perfect for mastering these lines and boosting your confidence!

You can find it alongside 29 other openings (plus bonuses) in our Complete Chess Openings bundle linked below.


With practice and dedication, the London System can become a cornerstone of your chess repertoire.

Good luck, and enjoy the journey—you’ve got this!

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